Photo of Alex in Parliament

Working in the UK non-profit sector taught me how to engage with local and national leaders, charities, businesses and other stakeholders.

I was part of teams winning tangible policy changes on citizens’ rights.

My third sector experience taught me how Parliament can - and should - work to create progressive change. My first advocacy experience was as a volunteer for EU citizens’ rights NGO the3million during the Brexit negotiations. I visited Parliament the first time during a mass lobby bringing EU citizens together to speak directly to their MP about why the UK should honour its promise to secure the rights of EU citizens arriving before Brexit.

Over the last 6 years, I have been attending more mass lobbies, advocated for citizens’ rights in UK and EU institutions, worked within the Labour Party to put citizens’ rights first through amendments to legislation and more. One of the proudest achievements as a team member of the3million was the removal of the application fee for the EU Settlement Scheme, which meant that millions did not have to pay to apply just to stay in their own homes.

I regularly attend APPG events, speak at various conferences, in the media and at events on migrants’ rights, youth and democratic engagement.


Promoting skills and vocational education